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- Marcus John Beltran
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Beep! Beep! Beep! “Caleb!” Tiana said, nudging me. “Turn off the alarm, and get up. You keep hitting the snooze. You’re going to be late again.”
“Er…uh…okay. I’m good. I won’t be late. I’m up,” I mumbled. I reached over and turned off the alarm clock, and damn, was I sleepy.
“Don’t forget to mail those letters on the way, please,” she added.
“Yes, Tiana, I know. I won’t forget.”
I went to check on little Taylor in her room and saw she was sleeping peacefully and kissed her forehead. I really wanted to go back to bed. There was no way I would. As my grandfather used to always tell me, “If you wanna keep your shit, work for your shit.”
Always keeping my girls fed and taking care of is my job—this is what motivates me. I grabbed my clothes and shoes and headed towards the restroom. “Love you, honey, I’ll text you later,” I said.
Tiana replied, “Love you, too.”
Did I really hear that creepy voice? Knowing it was just the alarm clock, I shook it off and splashed water on my face. There I stood, looking at myself in the mirror, and noticed something seemed off. I leaned in closer, looking at my reflection. The eyes were squinting?
I gazed closer into the reflected eyes that was before me, waiting for it to happen again. Nothing happened. I wasn’t sure what I saw. Clearly, I was just tired. I turned to walk out of the bathroom and instantly felt a disturbing presence. I stopped and slowly turned around as if the mirror was drawing me back to it. When I looked back, it was as If I was looking at another person.
“What the?” I muttered in disbelief. The hairs on my neck stood up. I’m sleepwalking again! I splashed more water on my face, rubbing my eyes to wake up. I leaned in close, and when I did there was no mistaking it. The movements in the mirror were off. This face I’m seeing before me was not mine. It started making movements and gestures at me. Unable to look away, I continued staring at the bizarre reflection before me.
The face portrayed a serious, intense stare as my heart started beating fast. A disturbing, evil smirk appeared. Frightened, I jumped back as I heard, “Remember, nothing can beat a smile! Ah ha-ha-ha!” The reflection in the mirror had said this, and followed it with eerie, sarcastic laughter. “No!” I yelled. I backpedaled to get out of there, and slipped on the bathroom floor.
“No!” I again yelled with my head down and hands outstretched towards the entity in the mirror. I jumped back to my feet and ran out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.
What the hell? This can’t be real! I thought, confused and in shock.
My first thoughts were to tell Tiana, which I didn’t after what she’d already been through. It’s just me. I rushed downstairs and grabbed my bag and keys.
Tiana yelled from upstairs, “Post office and the trash!”
“Okay, honey, I will. Love you.”
I grabbed the letter and trash, and headed out the door.
It’s hard to go to the post office, or to see a letter or stamp. To pass a mail truck or mailman, will always tear me up. However, I know my dad would want me to be strong. I arrived at the post office and noticed the long line. While I was in line, only one person could be heard; a heavyset woman in a raggedy red dress, yapping away. She was a few people ahead of me, and talked nonstop.
People like this you try to subconsciously block out and ignore. But this lady, damn!
On and on she jabbered as her head bobbed and nodded. Her arms and hands were waving and pointing. I really felt for the person she was talking to.
I looked at the time 9:14 a.m., and knew I was going to be late, which didn’t bother me. However, this lady did. No way in hell would I be able to endure Miss Chatterbox much longer. Even worse, I saw there was only one person behind the counter.
This is ridiculous! I thought.
And then something caught my attention.
Did I just hear my name? I wondered. I looked over and realized the odd Asian lady in the red dress had said it. I focused on what she was saying, and in between the meaningless gibberish I was completely floored. I distinctly heard through her ramblings, “Caleb, are you listening? Gah! I didn’t hit him. Turn the fan off. Caleb? Ireland!”
Could it be, through the meaningless gibberish, she was talking to me? No way. Clearly, it’s another Caleb, I thought.
Curious, I looked over at her again and saw she had her back to me. I stepped out of the line for a closer look at what this other Caleb looked like.
There was no other person there. She’d been talking to herself the whole time! The person ahead of her had his back to her, and the people all around her had been ignoring her.
This woman is completely nuts!
She stopped talking and casually walked out of the line to the exit. I was almost certain I didn’t know this woman, but I wanted a closer look. As she walked toward me, her head was low. She focused her gaze on the ground. I could see she was whispering something I couldn’t make out.
As she passed me, I got an uneasy feeling. This time there was no mistaking who she was talking to. The mysterious lady walked over to me, leaned into me, and said in a low grumble, “Oh, your cries have been heard all along, Caleb….”
The hair on my neck stood up. I replied, “I’m sorry, ma’am, do I know you?”
There was no response as she continued walking, never looking back. “Excuse me? Hey!” I said more loudly, as the woman walked out the exit door. I followed her outside as she headed up the sidewalk.
“Hey! Excuse me! Ma’am! What was that you said to me?” I shouted, through the chatter of the other passersby.
Again, no response from her. I ran faster, to catch up, as she turned the corner. When I turned the corner right her behind her, to my surprise, she was gone.
No way did that just happen, I thought, confused as hell. What’s going on here?
Through the crowds of people, all around and down both ends of the street, I looked for her. She was nowhere to be found. It was as if she had vanished into thin air.
My cries have been heard? What the hell does that mean? I wondered. I headed back to the post office, scratching my head in utter disbelief.
I walked back inside and noticed the line still hadn’t moved much, and recognized the same people who had been next to her. I asked if they remembered seeing the odd woman, and to my surprise, they had no clue who I was referring to.
How could anyone miss her, when she’d been right there, talking her ass off the whole time not even ten minutes ago? Clearly, I really am losing it.
Unable to comprehend what just happened, I let it go. I mailed the off the letters, and I headed to work.
Donuts, anyone?
On the way to work, I called Tiana and told her what had just happened. She dismissed it all as circumstantial, and said I was sleep-deprived. Whatever it is, I was freaked out. I turned the radio on, to help me get my mind off of it.
Running a little behind, I stopped to grab a few dozen donuts.
I arrived at work feeling as good as ever, in spite of a very odd morning. I wasn’t going to let some whack-job ruin my day. I walked inside and was quickly greeted with, “Well, good morning, Mr. McCray, we flipping today?” It was Moe, the security guy. For many years, even on mornings like this, old man Moe Frank had always found a way to make me crack a grin and laugh.
“Morning, Moe! Oh yes, you know we’re flipping!” I replied.
Moe and I had this thing we started a while back, when one day a penny fell out of my pocket and I looked down at the penny and left it.
Moe picked the penny up and tried to give it back to me. “Ha! No thanks. How the hell did I have a penny, anyway? I’m allergic to them. You keep it.” I said.
Moe replied, “You kidding me? Damn right I’ll keep it! Anything that comes from you is bound to bring me luck!”
I laughed and replied, “No. Actually, I do want it back, then,” jokingly.
Moe laughed and said, “All right, I tell you wh
at, let’s flip for it. If I win, I will own it. If you win then it’s yours. Whoever does win, however, will not only own it, but they will also own the day as well.”
So ever since that day we have been alternating flips with that same penny to see who will own the day.
Oddly enough, it’s been scarily accurate, with the loser always seeming to have a day to forget. Not that I wished anything bad on him. I just loved it when I won and saw his day come to shit. Somehow, I would mostly win, and when I did it was multiple wins in a row. I’d won five days straight, and of course old Moe was not happy about it. Moe called it, I flipped, and I won again. I couldn’t help but laugh as he cussed up a storm calling me lucky. Moe would always call tails, for some reason—out of stubbornness, I thought.
I asked Moe, one day, “Why always tails?”
“It represents the tail-ass end, just as my job,” he said. He added that I was always heads since I was the Grande Jefe, or big boss.
Old Moe—there’s a good man.
Like my father, I was also good at my line of work. I knew I could never outdo my Dad, but I always tried to mirror him. I was the top performer here at Wayland Financial Inc., and had been for a while. I came in killing it and had been consistent, with solid results, like clockwork. And the higher-ups? Yeah, they loved their bonuses, courtesy of me, and being late on this particular morning was the least of my worries. I could do no wrong.
Tiana always told me not to let any of it go to my head, as overconfidence always leads to a big fall. Bullshit, I say to that. From all the everyday praises and recognition and ass-kissing, to my many awards and bonuses—damn, it felt so good, and it had me wanting more. Word had it I was up for promotion, straight to senior finance director. I was so ready for it.
I rushed over to the conference room for a last-minute meeting, and on my way, I ran into Jim Barnes. There’s always got to be the jealous asshole looking for every chance to knock you down. And Jim was that guy. He’d been waiting for every opportunity to catch me slipping. Being at the top, I knew I had to always watch my back.
Old Jim had a criminal record for attempted robbery at a We-Cash, check cashing store many years before. He was always looking for quick buck or for any edge over other people. How could anyone employ him, you ask? Well it’s easy. Know-it-all Jimbo had dirt on one of the corporate seniors, and Jim made sure they knew of it, with a little blackmail.
“McCray, good morning. Oh, donuts. Thanks, man,” he said sarcastically. Funny guy, this guy.
He thought I had no clue what he had been saying and trying to do for a year, as he tried to degrade my character and take my position. He knew I was late, and I knew he would bring it up at some point.
“Morning, Jim,” I replied walking past him into the conference room as the meeting was getting underway. The atmosphere seemed tense. All eyes were on me. “Pardon me, everyone, I’ll be right back” the speaker said as he walked out of the room. I headed over to the concession table, where I put the donuts, and quietly greeted those around me. “Donuts, anyone?” I asked.
Damn it! I thought. Of all people, my boss, Mr. Jacobson, was there, which meant the meeting was important.
“Good morning, Caleb,” Mr. Jacobson said. My heart went ninety to nothing as he leaned in close and whispered, “Well done. I’m very happy and appreciate you.”
I was confused. Mr. Jacobson turned and faced everyone else, and said, “Today is a benchmark.” He turned back to me and shook my hand with a smile. “Congratulations, Caleb McCray,” he said, and everyone cheered.
While I was shaking his hand all I could think about was how confused I was. “For nineteen years, now, we have had a record that no one came close to matching. And today I’m delighted to finally say that the record for the highest annual numbers and accuracy percentage has been broken.” Cheers and applause erupted around me, and I stood there in total shock.
They said I had a chance to catch the record, midway through the third quarter, until I hit a ditch. In fact, I didn’t even bother keeping track anymore. “This individual, for four years, has done nothing but grow stronger and has become a great asset to this company. Furthermore, I want to double-congratulate our newest senior director of originations, Mr. Caleb McCray!” Tingles surged through my body. In a daze, I stood there as Mr. Jacobson shook my hand.
I felt as If I could levitate as the cheers grew louder. “Congrats, Caleb!” said Shelly, my coworker, as she slid her hand across my back with a wink. Goodness, I had tried hard to stay away from her, as I knew she would be trouble for me. Shit, though, it’s the little things she does.
I gave my appreciation speech, thanked everyone, and we headed to Tom’s Pub to celebrate after work.
A toast
On the way to Tom’s I called Tiana to check on her and asked if she wanted to go. She hadn’t been feeling well lately and I knew she would decline, which she did. I told her to lock up and sleep well. I would see her in the morning. I pulled into Tom’s parking lot and did a quick mirror check. Yup, still a Don. Again, I thought of that crazy woman from the post office. What she said really got to me.
Your cries have been heard? It has to mean something. This is unreal! I thought.
I walked inside, and I greeted everyone and made my way to the table. Jason came over, handed me a cold one.
“A toast…” Jay started to say, and Shelly walked over to my other side. She leaned into me and said, “Congrats, handsome. Is your wife coming?” She put her arm around my waist. “Shelly! I didn’t know you were coming. No, she’s not; she’s a little under the weather.” She grinned and massaged my side.
Jay continued, with his beer raised high, saying, “A toast to a great guy, a great family man, and my best friend. And to the best Wayland employee…Caleb McCray!” I smiled at Jay, thanking him, and raised my mugto Shelly’s as we toasted. She smelt so damn good! Her sexy look and beautiful eyes pierced straight to my soul as a warm feeling overtook me.
From that moment, I never took my eyes off Shelly.
I glanced around the room as the others continued to cheer and clap. Another person shouted, “Shots!” Another round of shots, and another we took.
The room started spinning around me. I tried to focus on what Jay was saying and couldn’t.
“We going to BL’s, Caleb?” Jay asked me. BL’s is BabeLand’s, one of the most prestigious gentlemen’s clubs we go to.
In spite of knowing I was already past my limit, I pointed at Jay with a raised brow, raising my beer, saying, “Does a hooker accept cash?”
“Shit yeah, we’re going!” I replied.
Shelly rode with me as we pulled up and parked at BL’s. She moved over closer, caressed my neck, and rubbed my inner thighs.
She leaned in and kissed me. “Damn it!” I said. “Shelly, you’re driving me insane! I kissed her again and we headed inside.
Walking into BL’s, I was greeted by the valets and doorman. Half-naked dancers of unbelievable beauty were all over, giving me alluring stares. “Hello, Mr. McCray, want your same spot?” Marty the manager asked.
“For sure, Marty, thanks,” I replied. We headed straight to the VIP section, where champagne, beer, and shots covered the table, with dancers already there, waiting.
“Shots!” Shelly shouted, while another dancer straddled my lap and began to grind on me. Shelly caressed my head and neck while kissing another female dancer. All I could hear was the thumping of the loud music and laughter. Thick smoke filled the room.
I heard an announcement: “All right, all right, ladies and gents. Give it up for Karissma, to the main stage! Holy shit. Is she sexy as hell, or what? Give it up for her, fellas. Also, we got half-priced shots and $3.50 you-call-it’s going on for the next hour. So c’mon, fellas, let’s make it happen!” It was the DJ, over the loudspeaker.
I looked around and saw some guy saying something to me. I couldn’t make it out. Shelly was kissing and rubbing all over me. The music got louder as ano
ther girl put her bare breasts in my face.
I knocked my full beer over, and watched it spill to the ground. I was losing it. The smell of another tequila shot made me gag as I turned my head, trying to hide it. I closed my eyes, blocking it all for a second. Out of nowhere I heard, “Hey, baby? You okay?”
I rubbed my eyes and opened them.
It was Shelly! I was in bed with Shelly? No!
“What time is it?” I asked.
“It’s almost one p.m. You should sleep.”
“Where are we?” I asked.
I sat up and saw I was totally naked and covered up, looking for my clothes. “We’re at my house, honey. Are you hungry?”
Her house? What the fuck?
I tried to recall the night before, but it was all a blur.
“You okay?” Shelly asked as I put my shirt and pants on.
“Yeah. Just a bathroom and aspirin and I’ll be good,” I replied.
“Of course. Down the hall, to the right” Shelly said. I headed to the bathroom and felt my cellphone vibrate in my pocket. I had five missed calls and a lot of texts from Tiana.
I looked over the texts from her from the night before. Dammit! And all my broken, drunken texts. I’m going to crash at Jason’s, I texted her?
Without another word to Shelly, I got my things and rushed out the door and headed home. On the way I noticed a text from Tiana, saying, “Whenever you decide to come home, DO NOT talk to me!”
I called Tiana, but there was no answer.
I was completely disgusted with myself when I pull into my driveway. I walked in as Nalla jumped on me with her sloppy kisses.
“Daddy!” my little girl, Taylor, shouted with excitement, jumping up in my arms.
“Oh, it’s my big girl! Daddy missed you so much!” I replied as I kiss her head and cheek.
I told Taylor to head back to the living room to watch cartoons as I tried to muster the strength to walk up and face Tiana.
Oh, shit! I smelled Shelly’s perfume on my shirt.